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News — Compression Wear

Compression Socks for Retail Workers

Cashier in a shop
Some jobs and roles will require you to keep active and on your feet all day.  One industry that asks this of their workers is, of course, the retail world.  No matter where you work or what you sell, retail can be extremely demanding on you physically.

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Compression Socks for Construction Workers

construction workers on a building site
If there’s anyone who spends most of their day on their feet, it’s a construction worker.  Builders, carpenters, joiners and other tradespeople must always be on the move, ready to work with a variety of materials and tools.  There is rarely going to be an opportunity for them to sit down.  Therefore, compression socks for construction workers are becoming more and more popular, as well as increasingly recommended.

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Why Truck Drivers Need Compression Socks

Truck driver in his truck driving
Some jobs and various hobbies need you to be on your feet at all times. Truck drivers and long-distance haulers may be sitting down for the majority of their working day. However, that doesn’t mean that their legs and feet aren’t feeling the strain.  If anything, they are going to need to depend on their lower extremities a lot so that they can get the job done.

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Who Should Wear Compression Socks?

Athlete putting on compression socks

If you have never worn compression socks before, it’s likely you may not have needed them! However, the need for compression in your lower legs and feet may arise when you least expect it. Regardless of your activity levels, your medical needs and/or how often you travel by air, compression stockings and socks could help to ease regular aches and pains.

In this short guide, we’ll take a look at the benefits of compression socks, and how they may apply to you.

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4 Reasons Why Every Nurse Should Wear Compression Socks

Compression socks for nurses
If you’re a nurse working long shifts, you’ll likely be able to count the amount of times you can actually sit down and rest your tired legs on one hand. In such a demanding role caring for the needs of sick patients, there may even be days when you don’t get to sit down at all.  

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